O. ma. Gah. It has been forever since I have written, and I feel like my world is completely different.
I should start by giving you a quick overview of one of the more miserable things in my life so far:
October 2011- I begin to itch.... first in my head.... my mind thinks--- oh no. I have lice. Since working in a school, I've become completely (overly ) cautious of head lice. Oh, if it had only been that simple. By 12:00 am I was swelling and completely covered with hives. We went to the emergency room, and got home about 7:00 am. I was pumped with medicine at the hospital, told it was an allergic reaction.....and sent home, and each night I went back to the hospital a little worse than the day before....and sent home in the morning. By the third ER trip, I was admitted to the hospital.
After 3 more days of being pumped with antibiotics, epinephrine, antihistamines, among others, I was sent home...still with hives, and still miserable....and still with no answers. My doctor told me to go on a low carb diet with all the medicines I was on....
Finally, the hives began fading away with lots of medications... and 'low carbs' ---even still it was a mystery.
Here comes the kicker..... 2 weeks later...... BOOM! positive pregnancy test.
No hives for 8 & 1/2 months....and two days after the birth of baby boo boo [via emergency c-section].... hives back again in full force. This time, I was able to tell the doctors the correct medicine concoction of prednisone, allergy pills, benedryl, pepsid. This on top of my post c-section iron pills, pain pills, stool softener, and any other random pills I had to add in. I felt like an 80 year old, sorting my pills at the dining room table each day. {Oh cripe, crimany, for heaven's sake!!!!....ya know... those grandma phrases}
Eventually over the course of Boo's first year I was able to wean those pills down to an Allergy Pill, Heartburn, Benedryl as needed and a few courses of prednisone for hives once in a while.
Finally, After a year, I had had enough of this hive garbage. I decided since I also had some digestive symptoms still, that I would see if there were any gastric symptoms that were contributing to my hives. After a couple visits, they set me up with a colonoscopy and endoscopy to check out the ole' innards.
On August 8th, I went into my follow up appointment, and I was given some interested and unique results! According to my biopsy results (routine), I was diagnosed with celiac disease.
Now, you are probably thinking, duh a little bit isn't going to hurt you, right? I mean it isn't like you can NEVER eat gluten again.....right? WRONG-O even the smallest amount of contamination could cause a reaction and an autoimmune response.
I guess looking back I should have noticed the change. I've always had a bit of a weak tummy. I remember feeling sick every morning and refusing to eat breakfast in the morning because it would make me feel sick for hours after. If I got the stomach flu I would be vomiting over and over again. After, college I began putting on weight. Whatever I did I couldn't lose weight. I was so active and I really didn't eat that much. After the whole pregnancy, I was pretty traumatized, battered and bruised. I think this shock really took a toll, and from what I have read, it sometimes brings on the celiac disease or even advances it. Since pregnancy & childbirth (C-section) is the biggest trauma I've ever been through, my body revolted. Since Boo was born I've experienced more weigh gain (possibly my body over compensating for the lack of nutrients absorbed), some anxiety and depression, joint pains, poor skin, bags under my eyes, swollen face, limbs, and belly, digestive issues, insomnia and EXTREME FATIGUE. I cannot tell you how fatigued I've been. More than any new mom. I'm just exhausted. I'm slowly starting to feel better. I've started to feel perkier and less 'swollen'. The once "JHS Athlete of the Year" spiraled into a listless being, barely getting by. I'm just so happy that I finally have some answers....at least to start with! I could just talk more and more and more about this.... but I need to just stop. If you or someone you know seems to be having similar problems, I suggest that you send me a message or ask your gastroenterologist.
With all of this overwhelming new evidence, I've been on hiatus trying to get myself healthy and happy again. I figured I should share this portion of my story and I wanted apologize for the brief hiatus. I also wanted to let you know that I may begin to shift some focus and posts on the journey's of being gluten free, including some of my product discoveries and revelations!
She creates printable and personal design and decor! It is so popular right now to have created personal decorations for birthdays, baby/or wedding showers, printable wall art, origami paper boxes and more. Cherry Blossom Charm has created for me some labels for Booboo's bedroom to add organization to his linen storage boxes! There is going to be an AWESOME, YOU CANNOT MISS IT, giveaway with Cherry blossom charm, As well as a comprehensive review, coming VERY soon. So stay tuned and don't forget to like the Facebook page as well as Cherry Blossom Charm's Facebook page! This giveaway can be for anyone! *Think christmas cards, party decor, and home organization!* Oooooh I'm giddy with excitement!
Well, other than that.... I've been getting ready to go back to school, (I've been back to work since the beginning of August--also a reason for my absence. I'm ready for Kids to return!). I'm trying to think of creative ways to save space in my teeny tiny office full of stuff! I'm hoping to do a little mini post on my space saving techniques.
Alright folks! I'll be seeing you sooner, rather than later...with that GIVEAWAY!
Stay tuned!
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